What Kind of Car can you Afford?

July 24, 2024
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Imagine you're eyeing that sleek Tesla as your dream car. You decide to lease it for two years with a manageable $650 monthly payment.

You confidently sign the lease, but then, a month later, you accidentally back into a tree (I know, even Teslas can't escape clumsy moments). The repair cost? A whopping $3,000, much more than a regular car would set you back. Makes you wonder, was it wise to feel so confident about affording those monthly payments?

Consider these factors before committing to a luxury car:

1. Higher Insurance Costs:

Luxury cars often come with higher insurance premiums due to their elevated value and advanced features. Insurers may perceive them as more expensive to repair or replace, impacting insurance costs.

2. Increased Maintenance Expenses:

Maintenance for luxury cars can be more expensive compared to regular cars. Specialized parts, advanced technology, and the need for skilled technicians contribute to higher maintenance costs over the vehicle's lifetime.

3. Faster Depreciation in Value:

Luxury cars typically experience faster depreciation in value. They lose a significant portion of their original value in the first few years, leading to potential financial losses if you decide to sell or trade in the vehicle.

4. Pricey and Hard-to-Find Replacement Parts:

Finding replacement parts for luxury cars can be challenging and expensive. The unique components and features of these vehicles often mean that parts are not as readily available as those for more common vehicles, driving up the cost.

5. More Expensive Mechanic Visits:

Servicing a luxury car usually requires specialized knowledge and tools. As a result, visits to mechanics or dealerships for repairs and maintenance tend to be more expensive compared to standard vehicles.

6. Lower Fuel Efficiency:

Luxury cars often have larger, more powerful engines and additional features that can contribute to lower fuel efficiency. This means you may spend more on fuel, especially if the vehicle has high-performance capabilities.

Consideration of these factors is crucial to make an informed decision, ensuring that the allure of a luxury car aligns with your budget and long-term financial goals. Instead of diving into a pricey commitment beyond your budget, we suggest looking for a car you can pay for upfront.

Here are some benefits of owning your car:

1. Equity Building:

Purchasing a car allows you to build equity in a valuable asset over time.

2. Unlimited Mileage:

Unlike leased cars, there are no restrictions on mileage when you own the vehicle.

3. Long-Term Financial


Buying a car can be a better financial decision in the long run compared to leasing.

4. Full Control:

Ownership gives you full control over your vehicle, allowing customization and personalization.

5. No Lease

You're not bound by the limitations and rules set by a lease agreement.

6. No Monthly Payment After Loan Completion:

Once you've paid off the loan, you own the car outright and don't have monthly payments.

(But all the better if you can pay for it upfront)

7. Freedom to Sell or Trade-In:

You have the flexibility to sell or trade in your car whenever you choose.

8. Customization:

Own your style by customizing your car without worrying about violating lease terms.

9. No End-of-Lease Costs:

You won't face additional costs or penalties at the end of a lease agreement.

10. Potential for Lower Insurance Costs:

In some cases, insurance costs may be lower for owned vehicles compared to leased ones.

The choice seems simple. Choose financial stability over fleeting joy.

Savvy Girls has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card products. Savvy Girls and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers.
Author HeadshotLeah Siton

Leah is a financial enthusiast who wants everyone to manage their money. She is passionate about helping others become financially savvy.

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